For the Scholar
Who is an international scholar?
An international scholar is a foreign national who is visiting Mississippi State University for the primary purpose of conducting research on a specific research project or teaching in the area of his/her expertise. These visiting scholar appointments are initiated by an academic department, college, or other unit of the university and are to complement the ongoing efforts of the unit.
What type of visa does an international scholar need?
International scholars need a J-1 visa to enter and stay in the United States for the duration of their program at Mississippi State University.
What is a J-1 visa?
The Exchange Visitor (J) non-immigrant visa category is for individuals approved to participate in work-and study-based exchange visitor programs.
U.S. Department of State J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program
How do I get a J-1 visa?
The International Services Office will issue the required immigration paperwork (DS-2019) for an international visitor to request a J-1 visa at his/her U.S. Consulate. The Office of Research Compliance and Security (ORC&S) will also work with the department to approve the scholar’s program. The Office of Research Compliance and Security assures university compliance with all U.S. Government export control laws and regulations. The prospective scholar’s home institution/ employer will also need to sign the Office of Research and Economic Development’s Official Visitor Agreement.
Mandated Requirements of the Visiting Scholar
Upon arrival, the visiting scholar is required to report to the International Services Office (ISO) to comply with the orientation and insurance mandates. Throughout the J-1 research program, ISO is available to discuss visa issues and offers various workshops and services geared to research scholars. ISO offers cultural activities during the year for J-1 Research Scholars and we encourage all participants to take advantage of these opportunities.
For MSU Faculty
Who is an international scholar?
An international scholar is a foreign national who is visiting Mississippi State University for the primary purpose of conducting research on a specific research project or teaching in the area of his/her expertise. These visiting scholar appointments are initiated by an academic department, college, or other unit of the university and are to complement the ongoing efforts of the unit.
How do I invite an international scholar to Mississippi State University?
Step 1: Complete a visitor packet. This includes the following:
- Official Visitor Agreement complete with signature of an authorized representative of the home institution/employer (not the visitor) [Click here for more information and the form.]
- Required Attachment A (description of the project)
- Visitor’s CV
- Contract cover sheet signed by the host faculty member, department head, and if applicable, dean
- DS-2019 request form
- Copy of visitor (and any dependent’s) passport
Step 2: Send the Complete Visitor Packet to the Office of Research Compliance and Security - Mailstop 9627, Attn: Veronika Jelinkova.
Step 3: ORC&S will coordinate with the Office of Research and Economic Development and International Services Office in support of issuance of DS-2019. After the Restricted Party Screening is completed and no negative results are received, appropriate MSU authority will sign the visitor agreement. Original DS-2019 request form will then be sent to the International Services Office (ISO).
Step 4: After ISO receives the DS-2019 request form from ORC&S, a DS-2019 will be issued and departmental representative will be contacted to pick it up.
Please note, all new requests for DS-2019s should be sent to the Office of Research Compliance and Security instead of directly to International Services Office.