General Information

Student Applications: All students will complete a standard online study abroad application created by OSA, which has required personal, health, and legal information for our office and for the university. Faculty directors will be given log-in credentials to the application software and will be required to log in to accept or reject applicants to their program. The software will allow faculty directors access to all of the application information about each applicant.

Student Payments: All students on faculty-led programs will be charged an international emergency assistance and evacuation fee and an administrative fee from the Office of Study Abroad. These fees are separate from what Faculty Directors include in program costs.

Faculty-led Study Abroad Policies and Procedures: MSU requires a minimum of two leaders for all study abroad programs, regardless of the number of students participating. If enrollment exceeds 40 students, a third leader will be required to maintain a maximum student-to-leader ratio of 20:1. Additional information pertaining to the leadership team for faculty-led programs can be found here.

Faculty Director Responsibilities

1. Planning and implementing the program and associated course(s)

It is the responsibility of the primary director to make all program arrangements. This includes all logistics such as booking lodging, buses, faculty airfare, student airfare (if included), facility rental, tours, excursions, guest speakers, etc. Note that study abroad provider companies can be used to make logistical arrangements for your program. OSA HIGHLY encourages the use of the following provider companies as we work with them regularly and they specialize in customized study abroad programming – WorldStides/ISA, CEA, AIFS, and API. Links can be found on our website.

2. Completing all University requirements regarding any purchase, lease, or service agreements

University Policy requires all contracts and agreements, including those with study abroad/travel/tour companies, hotels, conference centers, bus companies, etc. to be signed by the Director of Contracts Administration. More information can be found at: You cannot prepay or make deposits without a contract and pre-approval from the Department of Procurement and Contracts and IHL. If you are unsure if this requirement pertains to your program, please contact the Office of Procurement and Contracts for clarification. Be sure to read the contract carefully to ensure t h e Application Cycle you selected will enable you to fulfill all contract requirements, especially as they pertain to payment.

3. Attending a Study Abroad Faculty-led Leadership Training Session

All program leaders must attend a Study Abroad Faculty Director Training session. Sessions will be held multiple times throughout the year and all leaders must attend one session every two years. The 2024-25 academic year trainings will at 1:00 pm on:

  • October 25th
  • November 15th
  • February 28th
  • March 28th

4. Recruiting students

Active leadership team involvement is the most effective method of student recruitment (i.e. speaking to classes, emails to targeted groups of students, holding interest sessions, social media, etc.). In addition to the leadership team's efforts, OSA will produce standard promotional content for each program, hold two Study Abroad Fairs, maintain online application and self-enroll informational Canvas course, promote programs on our social media, speak to classes upon request, and conduct individual and group advising sessions.

5. Reviewing student applications through OSA's online application system

The primary director will be responsible for reviewing each application and either accept, reject, or waitlist based on eligibility. Instructions for accessing and navigating the system will be sent by OSA.

6. Assisting OSA in student application completion

The primary director will be responsible for reviewing each application and either accept, reject, or waitlist based on eligibility. Instructions for accessing and navigating the system will be sent by OSA

7. Communicating frequently with OSA and students

Communication throughout the planning, recruitment, pre-departure, abroad, and returned stages is vital to a successful program.