Academic Credit

When studying abroad there are a few different types of credit that you can get. The following section helps you to navigate how to earn credit for courses and get approval for courses. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office!

Types of Credit

MSU Credit

This credit is available to courses that are faculty-led programs taught by MSU faculty. Students receive a letter grade (A-F) for their course experience and no course approval form needs to be completed before leaving for the MSU study abroad program.

Transfer Credit

This credit is transferred from another institution to MSU, as is the case with Exchange and Provider Company programs. Students receive a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory grade (S or U) for these courses, not a letter grade. In order to receive transfer credit for study abroad, students are required to fill out the Study Abroad Course Approval form BEFORE leaving on the study abroad program. The Course Approval Form can be accessed through your MSU study abroad application.

In addition, before you leave your host country, make sure that your transcript will be sent to:

Office of Study Abroad
501 Hardy Road
235 Walker Hall
P.O. Box 9742
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Language School Credit

It is common for students taking a foreign language through an MSU faculty-led program to be enrolled in a language school while abroad.  If this is the case, a placement test will be taken to evaluate which language level the student tests into.  Upon completion of the courses at the language school, the credits will come back to MSU as transfer credits.

Course Approval Form

Students participating in exchange or provider company programs will have to fill out a Course Approval Form (CAF) with their Academic Advisor in order to guarantee credit transfer back to MSU. The form can be accessed on the student’s OSA application and must be signed by an Academic Advisor, Department Head, and Dean before being dropped off at the Registrar’s office. Once the form cycles its way back to our office, we will update the student’s OSA application with it. 

If the courses you registered for abroad are not on your original CAF, you will be able to fill out a supplemental CAF when you return.